As someone who loves to travel, the perfect job is one that requires a lot of travel. Instead of waiting on your once a year vacation leave like most nine to fivers, how about finding a job with a lot of travel? Look no further as The Travel Virgin is here to help you explore all the travel job possibilities as we unveil our “Jobs with Travel Required-Top 15-Jobs With A Lot Of Travel 2022“.
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1. Travel Blogger
Travel Blogger leads our list of jobs with a lot of travel. Traveling takes up almost 70% of your job duties as a travel blogger. The other 30% is writing and managing your blog. Making money from being a travel blogger requires knowledge of how to set up a travel blog that can actually earn money, check out the guide below.

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2. Traveling Photographer-Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
Have you ever been on the website or social media pages of travel related businesses such as National Geo-graphics? Who do you think is responsible for these magnificently curated photos? A Travel Photographer, of course. Whether you want to work on your own or work for a major company, the possibilities are endless.

If you desire to pursue this type of job. The first thing you need is a good camera. Check out these great digital cameras for photography. If you need a cheap introduction classes to the art of photography, you can check out Fiverr to find a photography teacher who will teach you one on one.
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3. Flight Attendant
One of the best jobs with a lot of travel is a Flight Attendant. Flight Attendants travel the world, and often get the opportunity to explore travel destination on stopovers. The requirements for being a Flight Attendant varies based on the airline, however, some basic requirements include being able to stand on your feet for long hours and meeting the height requirement to reach the overhead compartment. Training and experience in customer service is necessary also. In some instance knowledge of a foreign language may be a requirement.
Job opportunities for flight attendants can be found on various airline websites. Although you may experience the discomfort of jet lag, some perks of being a Flight Attendant include discounted or free travel for you and your family.

4. Cruise Ship Worker– Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
Forget about a job that requires traveling by plane, how about traveling by sea. The job of a Cruise Ship Worker falls high on our list of jobs with a lot of travel. Imagine getting paid to cruise around the world, meet new people from different backgrounds, cultures and visit the most exotic and awesome destinations. Let us not forget the free accommodation and meals.

5. Travel Agent
“those who sell travel, also travel”. As a travel agent, you are selling the best vacation deals, most likely your success is based on your love for travel. A travel agent is indeed a job with a lot of opportunity for travel. Who can resist awesome travel deals? Most travel agents have extensive traveling experience. If you are a home based travel agent, it may not require certification, however if you work in an office, you will need the relevant registration based on your country, city or municipality. Having great communication skills and paying keen attention to detail is necessary to ensure you don’t make booking mistakes.

6. International Aid Worker– Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
Do you love to travel and also have a passion for helping other? Being an International Aid Worker is a job that is pretty much ‘traveling with a purpose’. Organization such as Red Cross and USAID often have these jobs listed on their website. These jobs often provide a good salary and housing where you are stationed or assigned. This job entails providing aid in dire situations such as natural disasters, war and famine.

It can be emotional and physically overwhelming at times as in some instances, locations are remote with limited basic amenities. The joy of knowing you made a difference in the world is worth what may be a difficult job.
7. ESL Teacher
English as a second language (ESL) Teacher is a job that allows you to live in a foreign country. These jobs are contract based so you can decide to change location at the end of your contract. The basic educational requirement for this job is usually a bachelors degree. Check out for a detailed information on becoming a ESL Teacher.

8. Foreign Service Officer– Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
Would you like to work for your government and represent them in different countries? That is the job of a Foreign Service Officer. Countries often assign Foreign Service Officer in various countries as an official representative. This job allows you to be assigned to a different country every few years. These jobs are usually advertised on the Ministry or Department of Foreign Affairs website in your homeland.

9. International Consultant
Are you highly qualified in a particular area. If so, you could explore the possibility of being an International Consultant. To become an International Consultant for governments in different countries, you can check the Government procurement pages in various countries to find tenders for consultants in your specialized field. If you are ready to travel across the world to solve a complex problem in your specialized field. This is the ideal job for you.

10. International Tour Guide– Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
Do you want to guide tourist to explore a particular area that is culturally significant or for them to sight see. This is the job of an International Tour Guide, whether you are leading a tour in a metropolis or a remote village. The National Geographic has a guide for those who are interested in this profession. This is definitely one of those jobs that provides a lot of travel.

11. Ski Instructors
Do you love skiing? There are actually skiing jobs that are offered on a seasonal basis at resorts. When the skii season is over you can go back home or travel elsewhere for another type of job. often list skiing and other seasonal jobs.

12. Engineer– Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
Do you have software or computer engineering skills? One can easily earn an income as a Engineer whilst traveling the world. Jobs as a graphic designer or website developer can be done at from any location. Freelancers in these are usually sign up on websites such as Fiverr where they can be engaged by people who seek their services.

13. Translator
Do you fluently speak several languages? To acquire a job as a translator, proficiency is usually required in two languages. The path to learning two languages or more can be long, however this skill is highly demanded in Great Britain, China, United States and other countries.

14. Athletic Recruiter– Jobs With A Lot Of Travel-Jobs with Travel Required
If you excelled in the athletic field or have training as a coach, you could apply for a job as an Athletic Recruiter at a university or athletic organization. This job entails traveling across your country or globally to identify and recruit talented athletes.

15. Au Pair
Do you have experience as a child care provider? Do you know a foreign language? If yes, you could become an Au Pair. Au Pair are child care providers who live in a foreign country and provide child care services for their host family. This job, allows the Au Pair to live in a new country and explore a different culture. Au Pairs get a good salary, accommodation, meals and time off to travel. To become an Au Pair in the USA, Australia, France, Netherlands or Spain, check out Interexchange.

If you are seriously desirous of acquiring a job to travel, The Travel Virgin is certain that you will find one of our top 15 jobs that require a lot of travel suitable.